America’s Economy is Dying Under Biden

Stock market buy sell recommendations / / Flickr / May 18, 2018 / CC BY-ND 2.0

Ever since Biden became president, our economy has been very unstable. We’ve seen:

These are some reasons why our country continues to suffer because of inflation. Even the stock market is being affected because of the administration’s incompetence.

Let’s not forget how Pelosi and 50 other members were caught doing insider trading in the stock market. Insider trading is the illegal trading practice in the stock market… which is done for one’s advantage by using the company’s confidential information.

There’s a chance that these are all the reasons why our economy already took a hit during the first quarter…

Wall Street Suffered During the First Quarter

U.S stocks closed out the first quarter on a down note last March. Investors were already worried about continuing conflict in Ukraine… and its inflationary effects. It was the worst performance we’ve seen since the Covid-19 pandemic began.

Stock prices of companies have been highly volatile as tensions in the war have mounted. The rising cost of food and fuel is also already taking its toll on Americans.

Managing partner at Kace Capital Advisors, Ken Pocalri, believes that Americans have spent more during the last quarter. He said, “The personal consumption expenditures (PCE) was higher than it was last month, and the sense is it is going to continue to go higher; therefore, you are seeing some weakness.”

Yes, all these factors contributed to making our economy volatile. But there’s also a big chance that the dems involved with insider stock trading made things worse.

Now we’re seeing where their actions are leading all of us to…

Second Quarter Still Filled With Uncertainties

The US stock market is still uncertain as recent events have shown us how easily things can go wrong. Especially with all these liberals who just don’t understand what’s good for America.

This May, the stock market ended with mixed results… and investors struggle to understand what was next. The S&P 500 erased its early slump and closed down just 0.1%. This is mostly because of the drops among tech giants like Apple, Microsoft & Google.

Chief strategist at Principal Global Investors, Seema Shah, thinks that the inflation we’re experiencing could be painstakingly slow to come down. She said, “This is another upward inflation surprise and suggests that the deceleration will be painstakingly slow.”

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell told Fox that inflation only continues to get worse as of now. He said, “Inflation is much too high, and we understand the hardship it is causing. We are moving expeditiously to bring it back down.”

We’re seeing the liberals in power damage America’s economy… and our people are suffering because of it. 

Right now, the stock market is also taking a massive hit. This is proof of how uncertain our economy can be this quarter. We can’t expect anything from the liberals, especially after what they did these past months. But we’re still hoping that our patriot leaders can make America great again…

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